Berlitz Language: Essential French (Berlitz Essential).
About this product
Are you tired of struggling to communicate in French? Look no further than Berlitz Language: Essential French! This product is the key to unlocking your language potential. Expert statistics show that 95% of users see significant improvement in their French skills after just one month of use. Don`t miss out on the opportunity to expand your horizons and connect with French speakers around the world.
Using this product is simple and straightforward, with interactive exercises and audio recordings to guide you. Plus, with free shipping in London and affordable prices on Mercy Abounding`s online book store, there`s no reason not to try it out. Don`t wait, buy now before it`s too late! And remember, the only risk is becoming fluent in French. But hey, who wouldn`t want that?
The Berlitz Essential French course
The Berlitz Essential French course is now available with an audio CD and bonus online activities at no extra cost! This interactive course features twenty engaging lessons, along with four quick review sections that allow you to monitor your progress. The book is designed to allow you to study at your own pace, based on your level of expertise and the time you have to spare. The audio CD reinforces lessons from the book and features native speakers to ensure correct pronunciation. The online activities allow you to practise and test yourself by accessing authentic French websites. There is also a full glossary for easy reference to all the words used in the book.