Faithful by Marcin Wasilewski Trio (2011-04-12) New
Faithful by Marcin Wasilewski Trio (2011-04-12) Marcin Wasilewski Trio;Marcin Wasilewski;Slawomir Kurkiewicz;Michal Miskiewicz (Artist)
Earlier this month, on April 12, the Marcin Wasilewski Trio presented the follow-up CD Faithful, and delivered on that promise.
The appeal of Wasilewski’s piano is not in his dexterity but in his restraint and his feel. He is like Keith Jarrett in that he is a master of delicacy and emotional expression, but while Wasilweski appeals to the same audience as Jarrett, he isn’t a clone of the elder player. The Pole utilizes space even more, and doesn’t dwell on ideas for quite as long. He also adopts the understated lyricism of Bill Evans, and like both masters, is keen on the whole trio concept, allowing both the bassist Slawomir Kurkiewicz and drummer Michal Miskiewicz both to assume key roles that are nearly as important as his own, because he knows that doing so enhances the overall music.